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2022-11-07 21:40:06 旅游文化网





今天,我感到喜悦接受华琪舍利子博物馆主席张博士的邀请,并能与来自不同國家的僧伽,如泰国,印度尼西亚,马来西亚及缅甸等一同出席这仪式。同时,感谢张博士供奉佛陀舍利子给予各大寺院及佛教团体,这有如阿育王曾经建造八万四千舍利塔供奉佛陀舍子到世界各地,使到很多人对佛教更加有信心。同样的今天, 我们深信佛友们迎接舍利子塔后能对佛教更加有信心,并能供奉及礼敬舍利子塔在个别的地方。


除此之外,据《法句经》中的一段故事, 佛陀在某一世时,佛陀是位菩萨名为桑卡·布拉马纳, 其子名为苏西玛,是位非常聪明又有才华的人。当菩萨的儿子到了上学的年龄,菩萨将其儿子送给他的朋友接受教育及占星术。由于他拥有才华,也很聪明,在很短的时间内他完成了学业。苏西玛问他的导师: “人生最终目标是什么?” 他的老师说:“在山上有位修行者,他能回答你所有的问题.。”苏西玛前去山上向修行者请教,修行者告诉他守戒定慧就能达到人生的最终目标。由于他天资聪明,不久后他证得道果成为独觉佛,在悟道后不久便去世了。村民将他的遗体火化后便建塔,并将苏西玛的舍利子供奉在塔。





当菩萨成佛时, 佛陀到维萨里第三次大集会弘扬佛法时, 在这漫长60英里的旅程中,有上十几千世界的威望天神, 梵天神、龙族,天神统领, 施主及民众前来礼拜佛陀.华开艳丽,花香四溢飘散,光辉灿烂,场面壮观。佛陀说今世佛陀有如此善报是因为佛为菩萨的那一世因礼敬塔的善德:

1. 因做衣为宝伞及顶礼此塔的善德,成佛后被人界至梵界多界礼拜及敬仰。

2. 因采集鲜花供奉此塔的善德,在佛陀走过的小道上,遍满高达2尺高的鲜花, 池中莲花盛花。



菩萨前世虽然只是为佛塔做了那点点小布施,却因这样的善德获得了千百倍的善报。现在,我们也一样在做菩萨曾经做过的善行, 并明白菩萨如何礼敬及供奉圣者的舍利子. 所以, 我希望大家随着礼敬及供奉佛塔的善行能在今世及多生多世中受益. 最后,我要随喜张博士的及佛友们出席这仪式而有机会礼敬圣者的舍利子.愿大家远离无明, 以修行戒定慧证得道果,达到涅槃.



The Speech of Sayadaw U Sumana At The Waki Relic Pagodas Enshrinement Ceremony

(WAki International Media Center 7rd Nov) The speech of Sayadaw U Sumana at the Waki Relic Pagoda Enshrinement Ceremony in Waki Relic Museum, Malaysia on 18th October 2022.




All Venerables, Sangha, brothers and sisters in dhamma.

First, I am very happy to be here with all of you. We all come from different places - Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and Myanmar invited by the President of Waki Relic Musuem, Dr. Teo. It is very much appreciated that Dr. Teo makes the offering relic of the noble one to many sangha societies. This is a good example of the King Ashoka, who built 84,000 stupas and enshrined relics of the noble ones to distribute to all over the world, and he made many people to have faith in Buddhism. In the same way, we believe we have the opportunity to make devotees to have faith in Buddhism after receiving the relic pagoda and all can pay homage to the relic pagoda at their own places.






Other than that, a story of the Bodhisattva as told by the Buddha in the Dhammapada. That story was from Takasila city about sangkha Bhramana who was a bodhisattva and his son, Sucima. When his son had come of age, he sent his son to his friend in Varanasi city to learn the Astrology. His son was very smart and intelligent, he completed his studies within a few years. After his graduation, he asked his teacher, “What is the final goal of life?" The teacher told him a holy monk in the forest was able to answer his question. So, Sucima went to the monk and the monk told him to follow the sila, samathi and bhavana to reach the final goal in life. Finally, Sucima reached the final goal and became a pacceka buddha. He passed away within a few years after attaining the enlightenment. The villagers enshrined his relics in the stupa after the cremation.





One day, the bodhisattva was thinking of his son, so he went to the city to find his son. Then he found out that his son had passed away and enshrined in the stupas. Later, the bodhisattva went over to clean the stupas, collect flowers and he used his upper clothes to make an umbrella to offer to the stupas and he paid respect to his son’s pagoda.




When bodhisattva became a buddha, in the 3rd assembly , Buddha preached the dhamma in the Visali. In the walking journey of 60 miles, there were humans, devas, Nagas and brahmans coming to pay homage to the buddha. It was magnificent and full of fragrance of flowers. The Buddha told him that he was very much respected by the devas, brahma, Naga, humans and all beings because during his life as Sangha Brahma, he paid homage to his son’s pagoda who was a Pacceka Buddha.

Due to the good deed of paying homage to the pagoda, he was reapected by many realms from human to brahma when he became a buddha.

Due to the good deed of offering flowers to the pagoda, the flowers blossomed and grew to 2 feet tall in the trail where the Buddha walked by.

Due to the good deed of clearing the ground of the pagoda, the environment was full of  fragrances of flowers and there were drizzles to cool down the place.




Although in the bodhisattva's past life he just did that small dana to the pagoda, he gained thousand times of the good result due to such good deed in the past life. Now, we are doing what the bodhisattva did before, the bodhisattva shows us how to offer and pay homage to the relics of the noble one. Therefore, I hope you enjoy the good results of offering and paying homage to the relics of the noble one at this life and many after life. Lastly, I would like to say sadhu to Dr. Teo and all devotees to attend this ceremony so have chance to pay homage to the relics of the noble one. May you free from the delusion and realise the nibbana through the collection of Sila, Samathi and panna.




